pro·vo·love | \ prō-vō-ˈləv
🧡 Striving to create lovable products by embracing change and focusing on the present
I'm Luke Vance
I'm a product manager, builder, investor and optimist. I'm also a dad, a long-distance runner, and a part-time after-hours developer tooling explorer.
How I Operate
I love new challenges, open spaces full of risk and unknown. Processes and constraints help breed innovative environments but I thrive in a moderate level of chaos.
With a multi-cultural, interdisciplinary background, I believe in the power of ethnography and well-researched design, but magical experiences come from building rapidly, constantly experimenting and iterating intentionally.
By default I assume the best in people and that any problem can be solved. Our world is facing some ominous challenges, but I believe building the best possible tools for builders can ultimately lead to even more surprising solutions.
I was given the nickname "Provo" when I became the first of my teammates to achieve the provisional qualifying standards for the Track and Field National Championships during my freshman year in college. Though I did not make it to the championships that year, I did eventually become a 5-time All-American and the nickname and the concept stuck. Environments are constantly changing, expect evolution and plan to adapt.